Monday 13 June 2016

7 facts worth knowing about Google DeepMind

Posted by Abhishek
Overhauled 6 June 2016: DeepMind has collaborated with researchers from the University of Oxford to ensure counterfeit consciousness "robots" don't figure out how to keep people from taking full control. Highlighted in a paper called Safely Interruptible Agents, scientists offer a "structure" to handle such a circumstance. Perused on to number 13 to discover more. 

You may have heard maybe a couple thunderings around a UK computerized reasoning organization called DeepMind after it was purchased by Google in January 2014. 

Here are  7 things worth thinking about the new Google division that is intending to "settle knowledge".

1. It was established at University College London in 2010 

DeepMind's point is to make machines fit for learning things for themselves. It arrangements to do this by making an arrangement of capable broadly useful learning calculations that can be consolidated to make an AI framework or "specialist".

2. Demis Hassabis, Shane Legg and Mustafa Suleyman came up with the idea

The three cofounders rarely appear in public together but here is Mustafa Suleyman talking at a machine learning conference organised by venture capital firm Playfair Capital. 

3. It was bought by Google for up to £400 million in 2014

The exact sum was never revealed but it's believed the Silicon Valley internet giant acquired DeepMind for between £300 million and £400 million. 

4. It is now based in London

It is based out of 6 Pancras Square in King's Cross. The building shown in this photo is 7 Pancras Square, where Google UK is planning to rent while its headquarters are built on a plot directly opposite. 

5. Its agents are pretty good on the Atari game console

DeepMind put one of its specialists onto a design preparing unit and a little while later, the operator, which had no earlier learning of how to play PC amusements, had accomplished human execution on 49/57 Atari diversions. 

6. Its work has been published in Nature

Mustafa Suleyman said the team were "very proud" when they found out their work was going to be featured on the front cover of Nature.

7. It's hiring more people

There are approximately 140 people working at DeepMind but the company is looking to hire more staff. 
Those interested in applying should email their CV to


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